Part-time order fraud
first step:Post part-time order brushing information on the Internet to find victims. Scammers post part-time order brushing information through social software such as WhatsApp, Facebook, and text messages to attract people who want to make money part-time to communicate with them.
Step 2: Cash back for the first order to build trust. When the victim first receives an order, he is usually more alert, so he usually participates in small amounts. After the victim's first order, the scammer will return the principal and commission in a timely manner, with the aim of building trust with the victim and paving the way for subsequent large-scale fraud.
Step 3: No principal is returned for large-scale orders, inducing the victim to add funds for additional orders. After trust is established, the victim makes a large investment. At this time, some scammers will only return the commission but not the principal, and some will not even return the principal or the commission. And they will induce the victim to continue to invest additional funds by saying that they need to place orders and verify before they can be returned in batches. Until the victim wakes up and realizes that he has been deceived.