I was defrauded of 8 million yuan by investing in A-shares with my friends

A while ago, my friend was speculating in stocks. I went to his house for tea by chance and saw that he had made 20,000 yuan in arbitrage on a stock investment platform! So he asked me to invest in A-shares. I didn't know much about stocks, but I couldn't resist my friend's enthusiasm and invested hundreds of thousands of yuan.

大概一个月以后我在此诈骗平台 (https://stocks.aeonline-vip.com/#/home)投入了接近两百万的时候,发现没有办法提现了,才顿觉被骗,后面找到周东明律师,他在香港那边,我也过去了香港,他通过专业的方式,帮助我和朋友及时止损。最终在两个月以后帮助我们成功的追回了A股诈骗的钱共计 642万,真心的感谢周律师的帮助,他们在诈骗案领域的处理手法真的很独到完全的专业化!大家真的可以试着找到他们来解决。