Business Scope

Fake shopping service scams

Scammers post fake advertisements such as low-price discounts, overseas purchasing, and free shopping on WeChat groups, Moments, online shopping platforms, or other websites, as well as advertisements that provide special services such as ghostwriting, private detectives, and tracking and positioning. After getting in touch with the victim, the scammers induce him to add friends through WeChat, QQ, or other social software to negotiate, and then ask for private transfers on the grounds that private transactions can save handling fees or are more convenient. After the victim pays, the scammers then trick him into continuing to transfer money on the grounds of paying customs duties, deposits, transaction taxes, handling fees, etc., and finally block him.

Fraud impersonating e-commerce logistics customer service

After obtaining the victim's shopping information through illegal means, the fraudsters impersonate e-commerce platforms or logistics courier customer service, falsely claiming that the victim's online shopping goods have quality problems, the courier is lost and needs to be compensated, or the goods have been removed from the shelves due to violations and need to be reactivated, etc. They induce the victim to provide information such as bank card and mobile phone verification codes, and evade formal platform supervision by sharing screens or downloading apps, thereby tricking the victim into transferring money.

Fake loan scams

Scammers post information such as "low-interest loans" and "quick payment" through websites, phone calls, text messages, social platforms and other channels to lure victims to consult.

Impersonating a leader or acquaintance to commit fraud

The fraudsters pretend to be workers from public security, judicial and government agencies, etc., and contact the victims through phone calls, WhatsApp, etc., claiming that the victims are suspected of money laundering, illegal entry and exit, drugs hidden in express delivery, or passport problems.

Get legal experts

We have been handling cases such as "Internet scams" and "financial fraud" for a long time. We have the confidence and ability to help you recover your losses. You can contact us with confidence.

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